
How to Prevent (or Fix) the Shanks in Golf

The dreaded shank—just hearing the word can make golfers cringe. A shank can happen to anyone, from beginners to seasoned players, and it’s one of the most frustrating mistakes in the game. That sickening sound of the ball ricocheting off the hosel and veering wildly off target can destroy your confidence and turn a good…

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How to Use a Golf Launch Monitor on the Driving Range

If you’re looking to make improvements to your golf swing, then purchasing a golf launch monitor can be a smart, helpful decision. I recently did research to find a golf launch monitor that I could take to the driving range as part of my new training plan to become a scratch golfer. I wanted a…


How Launch Angle and Swing Power Impact Golf Swing Distance

If you’re a regular at your local course, you must’ve seen a lightweight player hit 250 yards. Similarly, you must’ve seen heavyweight players who pack a lot of power in their upper bodies max out at 170-180 yards. It’s everyday things at any course. Have you ever wondered what’s the determining factor? Or, are you…


How to Hit a Low Stinger Golf Shot (Famous Tiger Woods Stinger)

In golf, some shots are more popular than the others. There might be certain elements of a shot that not all players can pull off. But there is one shot in the history of golf that has raised more eyebrows than we can ever count. Yes, we’re talking about the infamous stinger shot by Tiger…