Golf Swing Release Drills
Golf swing release involves letting go of the club during your swing. The release starts before impact when your club is waist-high during the downswing. It then ends after impact, when the club is waist-high at follow-through.
The release sequence can be confusing to most golfers. You know you have to release the club but are unsure of when or how to do it correctly.
Great golf swings and pro players display late releases in the downswing and through impact to get maximum speed and power. Poor, early golf swing releases will have you making weak shots that tail off or slice.
Try out these top golf swing release drills that will help you learn the proper feel and technique in your golf swing release sequence.
Resource: Step by Step Golf Practice Routines + Training System
1. The Club Throw Release Drill
One great and simple way to learn the proper release of a golf club is to literally throw your club at a target. It will help you stop steering in your release for an automatic and smooth sequence free of manipulation.
- Find an old golf club and an empty field. Ensure no one is around while practicing this drill.
- Set up as if you’re hitting a golf shot but without a ball.
- Pick a target about 30 yards away. Now swing the club and let it go as you follow through. Focus on throwing it low and slightly to the right instead of straight.
- Pretend that the club is heavy in your hands as the club pulls your hands towards the target.
- Remember to move from the lead side, keep your shoulders shut, and then open them slightly to release the club.
- Make sure you pull your body through the swing instead of pushing. Repeat until you get good at releasing the club down the fairway without the club flying to the sides.
2. Arm Rotation Release Drill
If you don’t rotate your arms properly at impact, you will have an open clubface that either sends the ball shooting straight or curving. This drill helps you train your right arm to roll aggressively over the left and prevents laziness in the release sequence.
- Assume a proper setup and hold the club as you normally would. Slide your right hand down, so it holds the club just below the grip on the shaft.
- From this position, take a backswing and ensure your left arm stays straight.
- Continue the golf swing, and as you move towards and past what would be the impact position, ensure both arms stay straight.
- You will notice that your right arm needs to move quickly to keep up with the left and overtake it, so it’s in front at impact.
- Repeat the swings, and after each one, move the right hand up the shaft until it touches your left hand in a baseball grip. Remember to swing normally while focusing on rolling your hands.
Read Article: Drills to Hit Great Wedge Shots 40-100 Yards
3. Hand Rotation Release Drill
Like the drill above, this drill will train the wrists and hands to be active while moving through the impact, rotation, and release sequence in your swing.
- Grip your golf club and hold it out in front of your chest. Your arms should be straight and parallel to the ground.
- Make a backswing like you’re holding a baseball bat, then take some full swings around your body. Ensure the club stays parallel to the ground.
- As the clubface moves directly in front of you in what would be the impact position, the clubs’ toe should be pointing upwards.
- Your right hands and left hands should sap positions from the backswing to the follow-through. Your left hand should be on top in the backswing, and the right should be on top in the follow-through.
- You’ll notice that the club heel is ahead of the club toe if your hands are lazy. This means they’re not rolling enough, and you need to aggressively roll them to have the toe ahead of the heel.
4. Timing Release Drill
This drill helps you learn the correct sensation for lagging and releasing your golf club at precisely the right moment. You can quickly identify your faults and incorporate accurate movements.
- Find a pool noodle and pierce it with two alignment sticks. Create a hurdle by inserting the sticks into the ground.
- Lift your golf club to rest slightly on the hurdle while assuming a setup position. With the huddle in the way, you’ll have to lift your hands slightly and turn your shoulders to get into the correct takeaway position.
- Shift your hips towards the target while pulling your right elbow in front of your body. Ensure your arms stay straight, then pull the butt of the club towards the target.
- Pull until the clubhead drops past the hurdle without striking it. Now turn through in a releasing motion by moving your left shoulder back and up as it rotates around your tilted spine.
- Your left leg should be straightening as you continue to rotate and extend through. Ensure your left upper arm stays against your chest throughout. Avoid shifting your upper body to the left or moving your left arm away from your body.
Practice Plan: How to Break 80 Practice Plan with Worksheets
5. One Hand Release Drill
This drill gives you a good feeling of freedom from both sides as you use only one hand during the swing. The club is more willing to release through the hitting area, and it’s something you should try to replicate as you swing with both hands.
- Find a space you can stand and make your swings safely. Take a proper golf stance with your club in hand.
- Start by taking your right hand off the club and placing it behind your back. Make a swing with your left hand only.
- After a few swinging repetitions, switch and swing with your right hand only. Keep the total swing count even between the two hands and do as many one-handed swings as you’d like.
- Using the left hand may feel awkward at first, but it’ll work wonders for your game if you keep at it.
6. Extended Shaft Release Drill
This drill is excellent if you struggle with an early release that causes your shots to flare right or left. The extended shaft gives you immediate feedback to correct your technique and movement for an improved release.
- Find an alignment stick and attach it to the butt of your club grip. It should act as an extended shaft with a good length extending past your hip at address.
- Take a proper golf stance and hit practice balls with an abbreviated swing. If the stick strikes your left side as you approach impact, then you’ve released your swing too early or lost connection with the club.
- The alignment stick makes it easy to feel and see the exact when your hands should release. Correctly releasing the golf club should have the shaft pointing directly at the golf ball’s position.
- While swinging back and through, ensure the club shaft and alignment stick point towards the target line throughout.
- You can start slow at first and keep your wrists soft and relaxed. Your goal should be to delay the stick from hitting your side until the moment of impact with the ball.
Golf Practice Plans to Follow
- How to Score in the 60’s Golf Training Plan
- How to Score in the 70’s Golf Training Plan
- How to Score in the 80’s Golf Training Plan
- All Access: Get Every Practice Plan (Lifetime Membership)
Thanks for reading today’s article!
Nick Foy – Golf Instructor